For a while now, I've wanted some sort of personal virtual butler. The challenge is that I want to be able to interact with this butler w/out using a device like my iphone or computer keyboard/screen. So what I have decide to wish for is this:
I want a microphone/speaker combo in every room in my house. Make it small, hidden and easy to install. Network all the mic/speakers to one computer (wirelessly?). When I'm in a room, I just ask "Hal, what is the capitol of Wyoming?" and the computer answers me. Think about the questions for which you spend time searching answers, when you could just ask: Where is my UPS package, the one I ordered last week? What day is Christmas on this year? Did I pay my electric bill this month? What is the balance on my checking account? When did I schedule the "amazing idea brainstorm" session? And so forth...
It would need to learn, and the first few months would be difficult (learn
how I ask questions, what I mean by phrases, etc.), but this could be very helpful over time.
This could seriously just be a different Human / Computer interface for Google or Yahoo. The challenge would be getting the computer to narrow down results verbally. That's why I think it would need to learn from past history. With google, you can already
search by voice instead of typing on their mobile app. I just need to figure out how to get the computer to filter the multiple results into one. Google also has done this pretty well with their free 411 service (800-466-4411). I don't think it's too far a stretch to get to where I'm wanting to go with this.